School workshops in association with the Pierian Centre, St Pauls, Bristol, to follow school visits to the ‘Anne Frank + You’ exhibition at Bristol Cathedral.
Four primary school workshops (in collaboration with partner Heather Fallows)
St Michael in the Mount Primary School – Year 5 children
Ashton Gate Primary School- Year 5 children
Changag Primary School – Year 6 children (2 days)
Work exhibited at the Pierian Centre as part of their Refugee Week exhibition.
‘Scared Memory Figures’. Image used for the cover for Human Security and Non-Citizens, edited by Alice Edwards and Carla Firstman, published by Cambridge University Press, 2010.
‘The Dweller’ – Image used on front cover of book of poetry by Clara Janes – Book of Dispositions, published by Delit Editions, (France).
Exhibition to launch new website in collaboration with photographer Damon Knight at White Space Gallery, Axminster, 28 June – 1 August, 2009.
‘Innocents Accuses’
Exhibition at a la lour d’ Yvrande in Douvres de la Deverande. Presentee par l’Assocition de Jumelage,and Axminster Town Twinning Group, 5 – 19 June, 2010.
‘The Role Of The Arts In Understanding The Experiences Of Migration’
Researchers at Swansea University’s Centre for Migration Policy Research (CMPR) are hosting the fourth in their series of one-day ESRC-funded seminars, which aim to increase understanding of the migrant experience.
The fourth seminar, entitled ‘The role of the arts in understanding experiences of migration’ will explore the use of the arts as a method for exploring migration and for enabling migrants to articulate and express their experiences. It will also explore the existence or otherwise of ‘immigrant art’ or ‘refugee art’ and the use of the arts as a mechanism for communicating ‘the migrant experience’ to a wider public and policy audience.
Date: Tuesday 23rd February 2010
Time: 9:30am – 5pm.
Venue: Singleton Abbey, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP
Professor Heaven Crawley, Swansea University
Dr Maggie O’Neill, University of Durham
Dr Tom Cheeseman, Swansea University
Alex Rotas, Cardiff University
Ricky Romain, Artist
Margareta Kern, Artist
Susan Roberts, Bridging Arts
Kuljit Chuhan, Artist and Founder of Virtual Migrants
To receive information about future events in the CMPR series please contact Professor Heaven Crawley, School of the Environment and Society, Tel: +44 (0) 1792 602409, email: